Sights from my travels and free time on the road with Donald
My first international tour was to London, at the Palladium, with a quick stop in Barcelona
for a Spanish National Broadcasting Special
Our dancers back stage after rehearsal at the Sahara Most of our dancers before a show at the Palladium
Lynn Latham, the dance captain, after rehearsal at the Sahara and before a show at the Palladium
Dee Kaye on the right. I wish I could remember the other dances name
She went on to replace Ann Miller in "Sugar Babies" with Mickey Rooney if I remember correctly
The carriage gate at Buckingham Palace and me at the main gate
Big Ben Westminster Abbey
Tower of London
Prisoner's gate at the Tower of London The famous Tower Bridge often mistaken for the London Bridge
A Beefeater The London Bridge, lass spectacular than the Tower Bridge
Billy Barty at the bar at the Presidential Hotel where we stayed and Billy and Murray Becker waiting at LAX
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